AutoTS – my new time series package for Python

I have a history of obsessing over predicting the future. Probably the first major time series project I had was in grad school, with a consulting project forecasting amusement park attendance that ultimately found a LSTM network to be most effective. Again at my first data science job, forecasting demand and sales and prices. Probably

AutoTS – my new time series package for Python Read More »

My 2019

When 2019 started, my life plan was basically to support my twin sister Kelly on her path to greatness. Sheer strength of personality made her unstoppable, but she needed help finding her path and maintaining balance. Socially, I forced her to get engaged with others, and my wild silliness always helped portray her as rational

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Accidentally Beating the Stock Market, slightly (and I share my secret to success!)

Almost two years ago I threw a bit of money into Robinhood to learn a bit about the stock market. At the time, they were the only major company offering free trades, and now, my primary broker (Schwab) offers that feature as well as many others. And during that time I managed to beat the

Accidentally Beating the Stock Market, slightly (and I share my secret to success!) Read More »

A Practical Guide to Time Series Forecasting in Python

Time series, while not hard persay, is not as straight-forward at the classification and regression problems that are the bread and butter of data science. Dominant models haven’t changed much in decades. This scares us data scientists, we need the latest and greatest. No consistent open-source solutions (outside of R’s forecast) Commercial is expensive for

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