Data Science

AutoTS – my new time series package for Python

I have a history of obsessing over predicting the future. Probably the first major time series project I had was in grad school, with a consulting project forecasting amusement park attendance that ultimately found a LSTM network to be most effective. Again at my first data science job, forecasting demand and sales and prices. Probably […]

AutoTS – my new time series package for Python Read More »

A Practical Guide to Time Series Forecasting in Python

Time series, while not hard persay, is not as straight-forward at the classification and regression problems that are the bread and butter of data science. Dominant models haven’t changed much in decades. This scares us data scientists, we need the latest and greatest. No consistent open-source solutions (outside of R’s forecast) Commercial is expensive for

A Practical Guide to Time Series Forecasting in Python Read More »

R Shiny Server, on Azure Container Instances, with Nginx, Certbot for SSL and Azure Pipelines for CI-CD Even as a primarily Python Data Scientist, I have always liked R Shiny. I think it is the best way for a data scientist to deploy a web app for end users. Lots of features. Easy to use. I have deployed apps for end users both as desktop apps and to But recently

R Shiny Server, on Azure Container Instances, with Nginx, Certbot for SSL and Azure Pipelines for CI-CD Read More »