The Power of Acorns

In the process of tidying up the house for sale, we had part of the driveway replaced which was fairly well cracked. Alas, it was actually perhaps a mistake, as the new concrete stood out hideously from the old concrete which had been stained darkly by many years of acorns and oak leaves. The human eye is drawn to color contrast, but not so much to minor, if pervasive, cracks across the concrete, so this repair actually reduced curb appeal (by consensus of friends and family).
This year, was also a bumper crop for acorns. The solution I jokingly proposed was sweeping them all into a thick coat over the new concrete. Turns out, I wasn’t the only one, so we actually went forward with this crazy idea. And it worked enough to reduce the glaring color contrast.

Water from soaking acorns runs darkly down the driveway. Acorns tannins are surprisingly potent.

For all your acorn knowledge needs, visit Wikipedia:
Interestingly, not mentioned on Wikipedia, some home DIYers use acorns to dye yarn.
New concrete, freshly stained by acorn juice, contrasts with a clean area (center) which water ran across and cleared before the acorn ‘juice’ dried.

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